Basic Scripting for Photoshop

4 years agoNew1

Something very useful would be a lesson on basic scripting for Photoshop / Lightroom to follow on from the Actions I and II tutorials.

There are lots of Java Script books so it should be relatively easy to learn the Java Script Syntax, but I struggle with the Adobe APIs. Where do you find information on the syntax and what each command does? Not looking to write a whole plugin, but more helper scripts for Photoshop actions. E.g. select and activate a tool, crop to selection retaining pixels (action to select crop in a file with multiple crops done via Ben’s shape technique), duplicate a file with your own renaming original filename + your extension like flattened, jpeg derivative etc.

1 Comment

  1. Forgot to add another example helper script would be a conditional is LAB as Photoshop does not have this conditional. E.g is LAB if not pop window error msg “This action requires to be in LAB mode” and then exit script and the action.