
VID020-PS & LR Updates


VID020-Text Scan.jpg
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2016 Photoshop & Lightroom Updates
This video covers changes that have been made over the last year or so in Photoshop and Lightroom. I wasn’t originally planning to make videos on this topic but found a few of the changes could cause problems when attempting to reproduce the techniques I’ve taught in the past. Let me know if you’d like me to release a video like this each time Adobe adds features to PS or LR.
When I started to record the video, I assumed it would be a shorter one, but it ended up being over 1.5 hours long! This video was recorded with a new microphone setup and does not show me overlaid on the video. This is a setup I might use on occasion when I need to record from a remote location where there is a lot of noise in the background since the microphone is designed for that type of environment.