
VID007-Fix Dullness.dng

VID007-Convert to Photoshop.dng

VID007-Guided Correciton.dng

VID007-Fix Verticals.dng

VID007-Adj Brush.dng
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ACR/Lightroom Changes and Adjustment Tips
In this lesson, I cover some new features that were recently added to Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom (guided transformations and smart preview defaults). I then talk about tips related to applying adjustments to isolated areas of an image using the adjustment brush, graduated filter or radial filter. I finish with an advanced tip on how to try to extract the mask that you might create in Lightroom and use it within Photoshop.
Note: At least one of the downloadable practice images is compressed using ZIP. Double-click to expand before attempting to use.
Note: This lesson does not have a PDF companion guide available. We include PDFs with all new lessons and will add them to lessons in our archive as time permits.