
MA_Shadow to Light

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Transform Shadow into Light
In this lesson, I show how I brighten shady areas in my images. I show two methods, one that involves processing a raw file with two different settings and another that uses multiple exposures. Next week, I’ll show you how you can do something similar using purely Photoshop adjustment layers.
I apologize for the audio issues in this lesson. I’m attempting to figure out what caused the issue and may end up replacing my microphone or cable depending on what makes a difference. But since the issue is intermittent, it might take me a while before I am sure that I’ve found a solution. If I have to order a new mic or other hardware, then it might be a few lessons before the issue is resolved.
Note: The downloadable practice files for this lesson have been compressed into a .ZIP file. You’ll need to double-click on the file after downloading to extract its contents before attempting to open the files in Photoshop.