
MA_Retouching Practice

2017_11 Abu Dhabi
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Retouching Practice
In this lesson we’ll retouch an image using a bunch of tips and tricks that will serve as practice for combining a wide variety of techniques. There’s so much to learn that this lesson spilled into a second lesson that will be posted next week where I tackle the most difficult section of the image.
Note: The downloadable practice image for this lesson has been compressed into a .zip file. I don’t usually need to do that with JPEG files, but I discovered that the backend of this web site has a maximum JPEG size of 2560px in any dimension. To get around that limit, I packaged the JPEG file into a .ZIP file, which is something that web site cannot change. So, after downloading the image, you’ll need to double-click on the resulting file to extract the JPEG file before attempting to use the image in Photoshop.