
MA_Layer Style Examples

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Layer Style Examples
With this lesson, I’m trying something new: With most lessons, I pick a topic and then dissect all the settings related to it. In the process, I rarely get to complete complex projects because there are simply too many settings I need go over in order to fully cover the topic. So, in this lesson, I’m not going to teach anything new about Layer Styles since we’ve already had two in-depth lessons on that topic. Instead, I’m going to work through several complex examples so you can see how I use those features in real-world situations and see how I combine Styles with features that are covered in other lessons. Please let me know on the Masters Forum Facebook group if you enjoyed this experimental lesson and if you’d like to see similar lessons on other topics. Also, please don’t forget about the Note feature that is found below the video player since it can be a good method for keeping track of what you want to remember from the lesson.
Note: The downloadable practice images for this lesson have been compressed into a .zip archive. You’ll need to double-click on the file after downloading to expand its contents before attempting to open the files in Photoshop.