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MA_Image Blending

2019_03_27-Marlborough New
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Image Blending
In this lesson, I show how I transformed a difficult image into something satisfactory by blending five different sets of ACR/Lightroom development setting in Photoshop. I concentrate our time on the selection and masking challenges with the image so that what you learn can be applied to a variety of projects. In the process, you’ll learn about Layer Masks, Select & Mask, the Quick Selection tool, Quick Mask Mode, Adjustment Layers and much more.
Note: The downloadable practice image for this lesson has been compressed into a .ZIP archive. You’ll have to double-click on the file after download to expand its contents before opening the file in Photoshop. Also, if you are not a Lightroom user, you can open the image as a Smart Object from Adobe Camera Raw by holding the Shift key and clicking the Open Object button (which is usually labeled Open Image when not holding Shift).