1:51:45 Duration

Challenge Image: Reconstruction

This is a long lesson that shows how I retouched a challenge image that was submitted by a Masters Academy member. It’s a photo taken at a wedding where a flower needs to be removed and then the underlying area needs to be reconstructed. This is a lesson that combines many of the topic covered in more basic lesson into a much more complex project. For that reason, the downloadable PDF companion guide does not cover everything in-depth and instead points you to full lessons that cover the essential concepts. In the process of working this image, you’ll learn about features such as the Clone Source panel, Clone Stamp too, Healing Brush tool, Spot Healing Brush tool, Layers, Layer Masks, Curves and much more.

If you’d like to submit your own challenge image for use in a future lesson, then please visit:

Note: The downloadable practice image for this lesson has been compressed into a .zip archive. That means you will need to double-click on the file to extract its contents before attempting to open the file in Photoshop.

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