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MA_Blending Sliders

2018_04_25-Santa Fe NM

2016-01-Montevideo Uruguay

2014_08 Sky Shots

2015-05-San Francisco CA

2013_12_08-Barcelona Spain

2013_11_13-Abbeville Standard

2012_06 Iceland

2009_12 Myanmar-Burma 00047

2009_12 Myanmar-Burma 04074


2006_10 Iceland 00025

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1:20:48 Duration
Blending Sliders
Photoshop’s Blending Sliders allow you to show or hide the contents of a layer based on brightness of the active layer or underlying image. This is a very basic (but very useful) luminosity masking technique that is useful when you want to limit where an adjustment or layer appears to prevent it from affecting the bright or dark areas of the image.
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