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MA_Nov 2019 Updates
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11/2019 Bridge, Photoshop, Lightroom Updates
Adobe released new versions of the Creative Cloud app, Bridge, Photoshop and Lightroom as well as Photoshop for iPad. In this lesson you’ll learn about what has been added, changed and removed from each app. I don’t expect you to watch the entirety of this lesson since it’s over 2.5 hours long, so please use the clickable table of contents that is found to the right of the video to advance to those sections in which you have the greatest interest.
You can find a list of bugs that have been fixed in Photoshop on Adobe’s web site.
Note: The downloadable practice images for this lesson have been compressed into a .ZIP file. You’ll need to double-click on the file after download before attempting to use the files in Photoshop.