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35:56 Duration

Q&A: HEIF, Contact Sheets, ? Icons in LrC

This is the first of what I hope will be a series of videos where I answer questions that have been submitted by Masters Academy members. In this installment, we’ll discuss the following questions:

1) What is the HEIF/HEIC file format that smartphones and some mirrorless cameras allow you to capture into and how does it compare to the other options you have available.

2) What is the difference between the Blacks/Whites sliders compared to the Shadows/Highlights sliders in ACR and Lightroom.

3) How to create contact sheets using Lightroom Classic.

4) How to fix missing file and folder issues that will happen in Lightroom Classic if you move or rename images using your operating system.

If you’d like to as questions for potential future episodes, feel free to ask them in the comments below, or post them on the Masters Forum Facebook Group where you can also include a example photo.